An easy season for IAEA?

In an analysis, Shargh addressed the meeting of the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Monday, September 11, and wrote: Unlike the previous rounds of quarterly meetings of the board, in this round, we witnessed the least amount of marginalization and controversy in the media about the case of Iran's nuclear activities.

It seems that everything is supposed to go forward in silence and behind the scenes. Perhaps this time, it should be confirmed according to the head of the Atomic Energy Organization (Mohammad Eslami) who in an interview with Al Jazeera said: "2023 is the year of the end of the political uproar regarding Iran's nuclear program." Also, Tehran is trying to refrain from provoking the atmosphere of confrontation with the Agency in today's (Monday) quarterly meeting of the Board of Governors for some reasons. Perhaps limitations on research, development and production of ballistic missiles and import and export of technologies related to the country’s missiles and drones are supposed to be canceled, which has caused this silence, or perhaps publishing news can disrupt the plans of both sides. Whatever the reason, this silence should be described as meaningful; because there is no doubt behind this wall of silence.

Siasat-e-Rooz: Dishonor of anti-revolution journalists

In its editorial, Siasat-e-Rooz discussed the meeting of the Minister of Intelligence of the Zionist regime, Gila Gamliel, with the anti-revolution media persons and said: This meeting shows the continuation of conspiracies that existed in the past years, especially during last year’s riots. They reached their peak following the death of Mahsa Amini. Enemies and the so-called patriots who tried last year with support from foreign agents to achieve the project of dividing Iran ultimately failed and now on the eve of the anniversary of those events, they are increasing their efforts. Gamliel made a strategic mistake with the visit she made to Britain to meet these treasonous journalists. All of Israel's efforts are intended to inflame unrest on the anniversary of the riots. Through such media persons they try to inflame public opinion, but the meeting will make it more evident to people what is being hatched against Islamic Iran. In this context, Iran's domestic media should enlighten the public as much as possible.

Ham Mihan: Conspiracy in Iran’s northwestern borders!

In its headline, Ham Mihan discussed the disputes between Azerbaijan and Armenia and wrote about Armenia's turn towards America. It said Armenia's turn towards America naturally makes the situation complicated for the Islamic Republic in every way unless behind the scenes Iran has prepared itself for an agreement at least on the status of the Caucasus with the United States. In fact, if America's entry into the Caucasus conflict leads to the prevention of the establishment of the Zangezur Corridor, it is clearly in Iran's interest. It will actually neutralize the conspiracy of the extremist Israeli government to create instability in the northwest borders of the country. Therefore, if the Republic of Azerbaijan, with the support of Turkey and the provocation of Israel, tries to cut off Iran's land route to Armenia, and the United States, as Armenia's new ally, turns a blind eye to this matter, Iran will have no choice but to resort to force in this regard. It seems that the Israelis have been preparing for such a scenario for a long time to destabilize Iran through the Republic of Azerbaijan and some ethnic provocations. Everything seems conspiratorial in this fateful scenario. This scenario is more against the Islamic Republic than it is against the Iranian land, and therefore all Iranians should be fully aware of its dangerous dimensions.

Sobh-e-No: America is trying to isolate Iran

In a note, Sobh-e-No discussed the American plan to create a new corridor that would bypass China, Iran and Russia in terms of international trade routes. It said: America is trying to strengthen the Group of 20 as an international forum. The American plan will bypass Iran's trade route, which is in the heart of the region, and with this plan, Biden is trying to achieve his three strategic goals with one plan; it means competing with China, bypassing Iran, and undermining its economic interests, as well as bringing Saudi Arabia closer to the Zionist regime. Some G20 countries, such as Saudi Arabia, while claiming diplomatic efforts to get closer to Iran, are promoting projects to bypass Iran. Another issue is that now the Biden government is under pressure from the U.S. House of Representatives and domestic critics for the failure of its policies against Iran and its weapons program. By completing this plan, Biden wants to claim it has sidelined Iran.

Source: Tehran Times


