‘Maku, connecting point of East-West, North-South transit corridors’

TEHRAN – The Head of the Maku Free Zone Organization Hossein Garousi, who visited China heading a delegation from Iran's Free Zones High Council, said Maku Free Zone is the connecting point of the East-West and North-South transit corridors and has great potential for expanding trade relations between Iran and China.

“The East-West International Transport Corridor has the capacity to create a framework for a powerful communication network from China to the Baltic and Scandinavian countries, and considering its geographical location, the Maku Free Zone actually plays the role of a four-way land in this route and in China's One Road-One Belt Initiative (BRI),” Garousi said in a meeting with Chinese businessmen and entrepreneurs.

“Due to its unique geographical location, Mako Free Zone is the best point for creating a logistics village and a hub for attracting and distributing goods by connecting east-west and north-south corridors,” he added.

Maku FTZ, in Iran’s northwestern province of West Azarbaijan, is one of the seven major free zones of Iran.

It has 140 kilometers of border with Azerbaijan Republic and 130 kilometers of border with Turkey.

As Maku is among the most newly-established and also the largest free zones of the country, there is a high need for the creation of infrastructures in this zone.


Source: Tehran Times


