“Light of Hope: Ode to Imam Mahdi”

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website):

In hidden grace, a light does gleam,

Imam Mahdi, our timeless dream.

From Fatima’s heart, a legacy flows,

Hussein’s courage in your being glows.

In shades of pain and hope combined,

Guiding hearts, a love enshrined.

Through Zainab’s strength, you find your way,

In every tear, a promise to stay.

A world awaits your righteous call,

Injustice trembling, destined to fall.

With sword of truth and heart so pure,

Imam Mahdi, our souls assure.

From Karbala’s sands to skies above,

Your message rides on wings of love.

Oh Imam, lead us through the night,

Your presence fills our hearts with light.

Source: rahyafteha