TEDPIX loses 17,300 points on Monday

TEHRAN- TEDPIX, the main index of Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE), dropped 17,332 points (0.82 percent) to 2.101 million on Monday.

TSE is one of the four Iranian stock exchanges, and the most important one. The other three ones are Iran Mercantile Exchange (IME), Iran Energy Exchange (IRENEX), and Iran’s over-the-counter (OTC) market, known as Iran Fara Bourse (IFB).

The spokesman of Iran’s Securities and Exchange Organization (SEO) has said the entity is implementing 10 supervisory programs to ensure transparency and psychological security in the stock market.

“In order to promote healthy transactions and induce mental peace in the capital market, supervisory programs of the SEO will be followed around 10 major axes,” Amir-Mehdi Sabaei said.

The first measure is to grade market violations based on their severity and take regulatory actions, such as issuing systemic notice and administrative warnings, restricting online access, filing violations, and reporting crimes to higher authorities, Sabaei said.

The second program is to develop an intelligent system for sending automatic monitoring alerts to violators, the official noted.

Periodical and regular publication of carried out supervisory measures, publication of the names of the violators after the issuance of final warning, according to the relevant regulations, controlling the stock exchange regulatory measures on a regular basis, intensification of the penalties for criminal and seductive activities in cyberspace, promoting education, culture, and information to facilitate the recognition of crimes and violations, determining the examples of market manipulation, and holding regular meetings with market participants in order to receive suggestions and criticisms are also among other programs that SEO is taking.


Source: Tehran Times


