Quantum Dots in Iran-Made Lubricant Reduce Challenges of Machining

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian researchers at a knowledge-based company managed to produce machining lubricant with the capacity of producing one ton of quantum dots per day from these biocompatible materials.

Carbon quantum dots are used in industrial lubricants due to their ability to transfer heat. The use of this nanostructure reduces the friction of industrial machine parts. Also, this product can be used in fluorescent paints, polishes and industrial cleaners.

The quantum dots produced in the knowledge-based company are also used in production of machining lubricants. This product settles most of the problems related to machining devices and provides suitable conditions for the consumer from an economic and environmental point of view.

The lubricant produced by the Iranian knowledge-based firm does not spoil and smell, and due to its special formulation, no bacteria can grow in its environment. Also, the lifespan of the lubricant is estimated to be one year, while most of the lubricants in the market have a lifespan of less than two months.

In a relevant development in May, an Iranian company had used nanotechnology to produce a new type of oil lubricant which settles all problems related to the use of mineral, synthetic and nano soap water and provides favorable conditions for the consumer economically and environmentally.

The lubricating oil of Roshd Sahand Shimi San’at does not become spoiled or stunk because the firm does not use antibacterial materials or additives which are generally illegal and environmentally unfriendly. In fact, due to the lubricant’s special formulation, no bacteria can grow in it's environment.

The lifespan of this lubricant is estimated to be one year while other lubricants can be used utmost for two months.

By using the new lubricant oil of Roshd Sahand Shimi San’at company in machines, the life of the tool increases twice and the maintenance cost of the machine, due to the absence of soapy water deposits that were seen in the form of lumps of oil in different parts of the machine in other lubricants, significantly decreases.


Source: ANA


