Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Produces Smart Sprinklers

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian knowledge-based company has successfully designed and produced a smart sprinkler and water supply system to manage water consumption in agriculture.

According to a report by the Iranian Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Fazel Makarian Fard Jahromi, the managing director of a knowledge-based company said that smart irrigation sprinklers, environmental sensors and integrated management servers are the sub-equipment that are needed to have a smart irrigation system.

He added that those smart irrigation systems are of great importance in areas where there is water scarcity.

According to Makarian, smart systems are used to manage water supply to greenhouses, agriculture and horticulture, aquaculture and poultry farming.

He said that the smart irrigations system has used a solar power generator as a source of energy, adding, “Farmers are the main consumers of smart sprinklers. Meanwhile they can be also used for water supply in the industrial and rural sector as well.”

The company’s director further said that the annual capacity of producing 770 smart sprinklers are predicted to meet the domestic market.

He said about some of the advantages of the Iran-made smart sprinklers in comparison with the foreign ones saying that in sprinklers they have produced, turning off and on the water flow is automatically done by the sprinkler itself, while in the American model, it is necessary to connect the sprinkler with an external controller through wire. Besides, the size of the American model is 1 to 3 inches while the Iranian company's products range from 1.2 to 6 inches.

“The sprinkler produced in Iran complies with the size of the sprinklers and the working pressure that equipment usually go under in Iran, while the American product performs the control operation with the help of a diaphragm and has leakage or dysfunction in the short term due to EC and water salts,” the company’s director concluded.


Source: ANA


