Some 41.2% of Muslim men are affected by racism in Germany, a report published Tuesday by the German Center for Integration and Migration Research (Dezim) in Berlin said.

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website):Muslims often experience discrimination as well in public offices and dealing with authorities, including police.

More than a third of Muslim men (39%) reported about more frequent experiences of discrimination and racism in the police, while 51% referred to negative experiences in public offices and talking to authorities.

Among Muslim women, 46% said that they had often experienced discrimination in offices and authorities. When it comes to contact with the police, the corresponding proportion was 25%.

Furthermore, Germany’s health care system is not free from discrimination either.

“Discrimination takes place here in different places. For example, people who are racially marked are given worse appointments and their suffering is less heard,” said the director of Dezim Institute, Frank Kalter. ​​​​​​​

On Monday, the center-left government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz expressed concern over mounting anti-Muslim racism in the country since the start of the Gaza war on Oct. 7.

Any attacks on Muslims in Germany, for religious or other reasons, are “absolutely unacceptable,” government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit said at a news conference in Berlin.

“The nearly 5 million Muslims in Germany have every right to be protected …,” he added.

The Berlin-based Alliance Against Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim Hate (CLAIM) warned last week of growing anti-Muslim racism amid the escalating Israel-Palestine conflict in Gaza.

“We are witnessing an intensification of anti-Muslim racism in Germany. This is something we should all be concerned about and needs to be taken seriously,” said Rima Hanano, head of the nongovernmental organization.

“We must not allow inhumane positions to be further normalized and thereby jeopardize social cohesion,” she added.

CLAIM has documented 53 cases of anti-Muslim threats, violence and discrimination in the last two-and-a-half weeks alone, including 10 attacks on mosques.

It can be assumed that there are a serious number of unreported anti-Muslim incidents that have not yet been reported or recorded, for example, this applies also to anti-Muslim hate speech on social networks.

CLAIM called for far-reaching measures to combat anti-Muslim racism and to protect those affected.

Source: Anadolu Agency

Source: rahyafteha