Solomon’s Story and His Kingdom’s Capital

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website):His kingdom was so large and powerful that not just humans, but all beings were obedient to him.

God says in Verses 15-17 of Surah An-Naml: “We gave knowledge to David and Soloman. They said, ‘It is only God who deserves all praise. He has exalted us above many of His believing servants.’ Solomon became the heir to David. He said, ‘People, we have been taught the language of the birds and have been granted a share of everything. This indeed is a manifest favor (from God).’ Soloman’s army, consisting of human beings, jinn, and birds were gathered together in his presence in ranks.”

Solomon (AS) had the most powerful kingdom on earth and achieved this after praying to God: “Lord, forgive me and grant me a kingdom that no one after me can have the like. You are All-munificent.” (Verse 35 of Surah Saad)

Solomon (AS) rules people, jinn, animals and even winds. Whatever he wished, the jinn would make for him, including very large dishes.

One day, the Hoopoe informed Solomon that it had found a woman worshipping the sun is ruling over people of Yemen. Solomon wrote a letter to her and urged her to obey him. In order to avoid a war, the woman, known as the Queen of Saba (Sheba), sent him a present but Solomon did not accept it. So she started a trip to meet Solomon in his capital. Solomon asked, “Who can bring her throne to me before she arrives here?” One of the jinn said he could do it before Solomon made a move. Another said he could bring it to him before he batted an eyelid.

After the Queen of Saba arrived and saw this, as well as other events, she started to believe and obey Solomon.

The capital of Solomon’s kingdom was the holy city of Jerusalem (al-Quds). Al-Quds is the third most important holy city for Muslims and a sacred place for Jews and Christians as well. The city started to develop during the kingdoms of David (AS) and Solomon (AS).


Source: rahyafteha