Oregano, A Medicinal Herb in Iranian Traditional Medicine

medicinal properties of oregano in Iranian traditional medicine
Learn more about oregano and its medicinal properties

Oregano is an aromatic plant from the mint family. This plant generally grows in moist soil. Wild oregano has a higher quality and possesses more medicinal properties, but the best type of these Iran herbs is known as Iranian oregano (Origanum vulgareL), the only species that grows in the wild next to springs or streams. Oregano has a strong aroma, and its fragrance can fill up the whole house and its use is effective in dispelling insect pests.

Oregano Medicinal Properties

Oregano is one of the most useful medicinal herbs in Iran with many healing properties. Here are some of them:

Traditional Remedy to Treat Common Cold and Influenza

Oregano plant contains a significant amount of menthol. Menthol is an expectorant and can be used to treat the symptoms of the common cold. This substance can deal with the following common cold or flu symptoms:

  • Rhinitis that causes sneezing
  • Rhinorrhea (runny nose)
  • Epiphora (watery eyes)
  • Headache
  • Sore throat

If you have trouble breathing while suffering from a cold, use oregano essential oil fumigants. Of course, make sure you have a balanced consumption of oregano, since its excessive consumption is not recommended. Consuming around ten grams of oregano essential oil or extract should be effective in treating common colds and influenza.

Oregano for Improved Digestion and Stomach Pain Relief

Traditional Iranian medicine has recommended oregano for treating digestive issues since ancient times. This traditional medicinal herb is an old remedy to relieve stomach pain. If you suffer from the following digestive problems, you can use oregano tea for treatment:

  • Stomach ache
  • Flatulence
  • Stomach spasm
  • Stomach acid reflux

Antidiarrheal Herb, Treating Diarrhea with Oregano

Severe diarrhea can be caused by food poisoning, cholera or other diseases targeting the digestive system. According to the research conducted at Yasuj University of Medical Sciences, the use of oregano medicinal herb helps to treat severe cases of diarrhea and it has antidiarrheal properties. In the past, Hakims (practitioners of Iranian traditional medicine) picked oregano leaves from riversides and streambanks and used it to prepare oregano extract that treated diarrhea.

Oregano Contains High Amounts of Calcium

Oregano medicinal herb is rich in calcium (1033 mg in 100 grams) and is very beneficial especially for children. People who are dealing with the following conditions can fulfill their body’s need for calcium by consuming oregano:

  • People with osteoporosis
  • People who are at risk of osteoporosis
  • Women experiencing menopause
  • Those allergic to dairy products
  • Vegans or anyone who dislikes dairy products

You can dry this plant, mix its powder with yogurt or Doogh and enjoy its benefits.

Traditional Remedy for Arthritis and Joint Pain Relief

One of the interesting medicinal properties of oregano is the anesthetic effect of its essential oil. Topical application of oregano essential oil is a common remedy to reduce joint pain. If you have joint pain, try rubbing oregano essential oil on the affected areas. In addition to relieving joint pain, oregano oil is effective in treating chronic diseases such as rheumatism and arthritis. Iranian traditional medicine highly recommends this medicinal herb for the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism.

Sedative and Soporific Effects of Oregano

oregano medicinal herb; sedative and sleep-inducing effects
Get rid of headaches and insomnia with oregano

The menthol content of oregano is also used to sedate headaches and calm the nerves in addition to treating common cold symptoms. The combination of oregano and lavender, in the form of tea, can help treat insomnia and calm the nervous system. In the past, this medicinal herb was also used to treat epilepsy and epileptic seizures.

Helps Reduce Menstrual Pain and Regulate Menstrual Cycle

Oregano is effective in regulating the secretion of estrogen and progesterone hormones. These hormones play a major role in the regulation of the menstrual cycle. In addition, oregano tea is a well-known remedy for pain relief during the menstruation cycle, but it increases blood flow. Therefore it is recommended for women dealing with delayed menstruation.

Eliminate Intestinal Worms

The blend of oregano with honey is an effective remedy for removing intestinal worms.

Treatment of Pimple and Acne

Oregano has strong antibacterial properties, making it an effective topical medicine to remove pimples and acne.

Oregano face masks prevent the cultivation of infected pimples. Pour the distilled oregano extract on a paper towel and apply it to your face to cleanse the skin surface and get rid of acne faster. Make sure that you are not allergic to the oregano plant first, otherwise your skin might swell and become itchy.

Learn More About Iranian Traditional Medicine and Iran Herbs

At Destination Iran, we believe that by promoting our country Iran and introducing different aspects of Iranian cultural heritage, we can take a meaningful step in promoting Iranian national identity. Iranian traditional medicine is a significant part of Iranian culture.

When traveling to Iranian cities, you will notice that each region has special medicinal herbs that people there use to treat diseases and maintain their health. By buying traditional medicinal products from the indigenous people of each region, you can help the local economy grow, boost your health and learn more about medicinal herbs.

Oregano medicinal herb is one of the members of the mint family, one of the widely used medicinal plants in Iran highly recommended in traditional medicine. You can buy dried oregano and use its powder in soups, salads, yogurt or Doogh and enjoy its benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions About Oregano

To find answers to your other questions, you can contact us through the comments section of this post. We will answer your questions as soon as possible.

Which type of oregano is better for medicinal purposes?

Wild oregano or Iranian oregano, especially those that grow near springs and streambanks are better for medicinal use and are denser.

What are the medicinal properties of oregano essential oil?

Since oregano essential oil has anesthetic properties, you can massage painful joints with it to relieve joint pain.

Is oregano useful in treating the common cold?

Oregano contains a lot of menthol, which makes it useful in relieving flu symptoms and treating colds.

Source: Destination Iran