Researchers Develop New Technology for Propylene Production

TEHRAN (ANA)- A research team from Zhejiang University developed a new molecular sieve material for separating propylene from propane.

Propylene is the raw material found in chemical products such as plastics, home appliances, medical devices, synthetic fibers and cosmetics. However, There is a high degree of difficulty in separating propylene from propane during industrial production, the journal Science reported.

A molecular sieve only allows smaller molecules to enter, thus blocking larger molecules, said Xing Huabin with Zhejiang University, leader of the research.

The research team has developed a fast, efficient and low-carbon molecular sieve material ZU-609 that only allows propylene molecules to enter and blocks propane molecules.

The results are expected to significantly reduce the energy consumption of propylene separation technology and will provide support for the localization of ultra-high purity electronic chemicals, Xing said.


Source: ANA


