Nuclear Chief Shrugs Off Report on Iran’s Uranium Enrichment

Nuclear Chief Shrugs Off Report on Iran’s Uranium Enrichment

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Mohammad Eslami brushed aside the most recent report from the UN nuclear agency about Iran’s enrichment activities as a politically-motivated media program that does not contain anything new.

– Nuclear news –

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a weekly session of the administration’s cabinet on Wednesday, Eslami dismissed the new report attributed to the International Atomic Energy Agency, which claims that Iran had reversed a slowdown in its uranium enrichment activities.

“The political media move that has been mooted again about Iran’s enrichment is nothing new and had already been mentioned in a report from the chair of the Board of Governors,” he stated.

Denouncing the reports surrounding Iran’s uranium enrichment program as a media hullabaloo with certain objectives, Eslami said the enemies seek to put the spotlight on Iran in order to distract the public attention from the dire political situation they are facing after the war on Gaza.

He assured the Iranian people that the AEOI has not taken any new nuclear measure and is doing its routine activities in compliance with the rules and regulations.

His comments came after Reuters claimed to have seen a report from the IAEA which says that Iran has "increased its production of highly enriched uranium, reversing a previous output reduction from mid-2023".

Source: Tasnim News


