Manifestation of Deeds on Resurrection Day

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website):In other words, the punishment and pain in hell are nothing but the return of unbeliever’s evil deeds and the blessings of paradise are but the return of believers’ good deeds.

The Holy Quran says about the Resurrection Day: “No soul will be in the least bit wronged on that Day and no one will receive any recompense other than what he deserves for his deeds.” (Verse 54 of Surah Yasin)

This verse clearly says that the punishment or reward for a deed is the deed itself.

In another verse, the Quran says: “The Day that every soul shall find what it has done of good brought forward, and what it has done of evil, it will wish if there were only a far space between it and that (Day).” (Verse 30 of Surah Al Imran)

So on the Day of Judgment, one sees the truth of his actions and wishes there were a long distance between him and his evil deeds that have been manifested.

That is the case with people’s peace of mind on that day and in paradise. The Quran says: “Those who have accepted the faith and have kept it pure from injustice, have achieved security and guidance.” (Verse 82 of Surah Al-Anaam)

It means a believer who has found peace and remained safe from anxieties in this world due to his belief in God will be in security and peace in the hereafter as well. Hence, the Malakut of a believer’s Nafs is manifested in paradise.

Nonetheless, there is no difference between considering paradise as the manifestation of the truth of a believer’s Nafs or the reward for his good deeds. The result would be the same. The Quran says: “(On that day) Paradise will be brought near for the pious ones.” (Verse 31 of Surah Qaaf)

It means paradise (the manifestation of their deeds or the reward for their deeds) is brought close to them while it is not far from them. As for the fire of hell, the Quran says: “It is the fire kindled by Allah, which rises above the hearts.” (Verses 6-7 of Surah Al-Humaza)


Source: rahyafteha