Imam Hasan al-Askari’s (peace be upon him) Will to His Companions

According to rahyafteha(the missionaries and converts website):Imam Hasan al-Askari (peace be upon him), a few days before his martyrdom, gathered around forty of his close companions and allies, including individuals like Muhammad ibn Uthman, Muawiya ibn Hukm, and Muhammad ibn Ayyub. After showing them the exquisite beauty of Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him), he said: “He (referring to Imam Mahdi) will be your leader and successor after me. He is the Qa’im, and people’s necks will eagerly turn towards him. When the earth is filled with oppression and tyranny, he will emerge and fill the earth with justice and equity.”

Imam Hasan al-Askari then advised his Shia companions with a will that emphasized ethics, God-consciousness, public welfare, good relations with Sunnis, and self-improvement. He said: “I advise you to be conscious of God, to be pious in your religion, to strive for God, to speak the truth, to fulfill your trust to those who entrust you, to prolong your prostrations during prayers, and to be good neighbors.

Muhammad (peace be upon him) has conveyed this message to you.”

Imam al-Askari also urged Shia Muslims to pray in Sunni congregations, participate in the funerals of Sunnis, visit their sick, and fulfill their rights. Although these statements may seem general and inclusive of all neighbors and Muslims, according to other traditions from the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them), the intent behind these words is to participate in Sunni gatherings.

The Joy of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) Derives from the Behavior of Shia Muslims

If Shia Muslims adhere to the social directives provided by Imam al-Askari (peace be upon him) and act according to the recommendations concerning relations with Sunnis, not only will they be rewarded, but it will also bring peace and security to society. Furthermore, it will bring happiness and joy to the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them). Therefore, Imam al-Askari (peace be upon him) stated, “When a person among you refrains from forbidden deeds, speaks the truth, fulfills their trust, and maintains good conduct with people, they will be identified as our Shia. This pleases me.”

Adornment or Disgrace

Imam Hasan al-Askari (peace be upon him) continued his advice by saying, “Fear God and be an adornment, not a disgrace. Create goodwill among yourselves, and keep away anything unseemly. For whatever good is said about us, it is true, but whatever evil is attributed to us, we are not like that. We have rights in the Book of God, a relationship to the Messenger of God, and purification from God. No one can make such a claim except a liar.”

In these passages, important moral guidelines are given to Shia Muslims:

1. Behave in a way that adorns the reputation of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them).

2. Do not engage in actions that bring disgrace to their image

3. Maintain good relations with all Muslims and strive to create goodwill.

4. Distance yourself from any unseemly behavior attributed to you or the Shia community.

These teachings emphasize the importance of ethical conduct, piety, and good relations with others, which are central values in Shia Islam.


Source: rahyafteha