Daud Kim, K-Pop Star and Muslim Convert, Visits Iran for Quranic Show

According to rahyafteha(the missionaries and converts website):He shared his excitement about the trip on his Instagram account last week, posting a photo of himself with Hamed Shakernejad, a renowned Iranian qari.

“I am so looking forward to it,” Kim said about the show, called “Mahfel”, which showcases the skills of qaris and memorizers of the Quran. The show was well-received by Iranian audiences last year.

Kim, who used to go by the name Jay Kim, embraced Islam in September 2019 and announced his conversion in a YouTube video.

In January 2023, he performed Umrah, a pilgrimage to Makkah, for the second time since becoming a Muslim. He uploaded a picture of himself in ihram, the white garments worn by pilgrims, in front of the holy Kaaba.

Kim said, “I arrived at Makkah again”, calling it “my hometown”. He reflected on how Islam had changed his life and given him purpose. “Islam gave answers to all my questions. The reason I was created, and the reason I live. And finally to where I’m going, even after this life. So, I am so lucky to have been chosen by Allah,” he wrote.

Muslims are a minority in South Korea, making up less than 1 per cent of the population. Most of them are foreigners, such as migrant workers and international students. The first mosque in South Korea, the Seoul Central Mosque, was built in 1976. Since then, 15 more mosques have been officially registered across the country, along with 150 to 200 musalla, or smaller places of worship.


Source: rahyafteha