Part 2/ The Muslims’ prayers ( Namaz ) deeply impressed me

According to rahyafteha(the missionaries and converts website):I thought it was some form of exercise, but when I visited the Islamic center, I learned that it was called Namaz.

I had recurring dreams about a four-dimensional room, which would leave me distressed upon waking up.

Eventually, I discovered that the room was the Kaaba, the house of Allah, where Muslims go for Hajj and Umrah.

Theses experiences attracted me to Islam.

Persian text of the first part

After my marriage, when I moved Bahrain, I had the opportunity to learn more about Islam due to the Muslim community surrounding me.

I developed a friendship with a Muslim girl, and while she initially forbademe from visiting during Ramadan, my curiosity about Muslim worship rituals grew.

I requested her permission to observe her acts of worship without interfering.

She allowed me to visit her, and witnessing her prayers and recitation of the Quran intrigued me.

One day, I forgot to lock the room where I was privately imitating her prayers, and my husband walked in.

When he questioned me, I mustered the courage to confess that I had converted to Islam.

He was shocked and began physically abusing me.

My sister intervened, but after hearing the whole story, she also joined in the assault.

Despite their violence, I remained steadfast in my decision Answer My children were at home while I was being tortured.

My elder son was in 9th grade and my younger son was in 8th grade at that time.

I managed to escape when my family members were not at home.

One night my elder son came to the locked room where I was held captive and begged me to escape because my family wanted to kill me.

After a tearful exchange, I decided to leave to protect myself. My sons tearfully saw me off on a dark and chilly night.

It was a heartbreaking moment, balancing my love for my children and my newfound love for Islam.

Despite my injuries, I somehow managed to escape. My children waved goodby with tears at their eyes at the gate.

Those moments will always stay with me, reminding me of the sacrifices made by Muslims who have abandoned their homes and families for the sake of Islam.

After leaving my house, I went straight to the police station. The languages was a barrier, but one officer who understood English offered to help.

He took me to his home, as he was also a Muslim. The next morning, my husband arrived at the police station claiming I had been kidnapped.

However, I refused to go back with him, expressing my desire to embrace Islam. Eventually, he obtained a written statement allowing me to keep my belongings.

The officer who sheltered me assured me that my family wouldn’t harm me anymore. Injured, I sought medical help and stayed in the hospital for a few days.

With no family or home, my only connection now was with Islam. The Muslim officer treated me like a sister and provided a shelter on that cold night when I had lost everything.

When I was discharged from the hospital, I went directly to an Islamic center. There, I met an elderly person who advised me to dress like a Muslim and guided me in performing ablution.

He showed me a picture of the Kaaba, the house of Allah, which I had seen in my dreams. Overwhelmed, I recited the Kalima and learned more about Islam from him. I felt a sense of peace and lightness.

The owner of the center, who became like a father to me, took me into his home and later arranged my marriage to a Muslim family.

My first desire was to visit the house of Allah, and I eventually performed Umrah.

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part 1

part 2


Source: rahyafteha