Iranian Researchers Make Body Composition Analyzer for Smart Diet

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian researchers at an Iranian knowledge-based company succeeded in designing a body composition analyzer device that facilitates giving a smart diet based on the organs of each person to the nutritionist.

“With this device, a smart diet based on body organs is offered to each person. The device gives the diet based on the amount of protein and body mass index and other features of the person’s body,” Tohid Amadeh, the managing director of the knowledge-based company, told ANA.

Noting that the body composition analyzer examines the information of each person and then presents the diet based on the past data and the data provided by the nutritionist, he said, “The output of this device is the same dietary guidelines that lead most people to vegetarianism.”

“The software part of the body composition analyzer is a mobile application that provides diet instructions to the user after analyzing the body,” Amadeh said, adding that the device has obtained the necessary permissions from the Universities of Medical Sciences of Tehran, Shahid Beheshti University and the Iranian Nutrition Association.

In a relevant development late in 2022, a knowledge-based company in Iran managed to manufacture a body analyzer machine which has been presented to the market at one tenth of the price of its foreign model.

“Our knowledge-based company operates under the brand ‘Anya’ and it has presented a body composition analysis device used in nutrition clinics, sports clubs and fitness clinics,” Amir Imani, the head of the Board of Directors of Sarang Industrial Solutions company, said on the sidelines of the 10th Exhibition of Iranian-Made Laboratory Equipment and Materials (Iran Lab Expo 2022) in Tehran.

He added that the device analyses the body in terms of fat, muscle, protein, intracellular and extracellular water, visceral fat, basic metabolism and some other parameters, which shows information both in the whole body and separately.

“The body composition analysis device is equipped with 8 electrodes; 4 electrodes are placed on the soles of the feet and 4 electrodes are placed on the palms of the hands when the person holds the handles, and it enjoys multi-frequency so that different frequencies are applied to the body from 1 to 200 kHz and the measurement is performed,” Imani said.

The body composition analyzer machine takes the physical examination to a new level. In traditional physical examinations, weight and height are used as the criteria for judging health, and weight is divided by the square of height to obtain the "BMI", which is used to describe the health of the person.


Source: ANA


