Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Reacts to UN Security Council’s Ceasefire Resolution for Gaza Strip

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Reacts to UN Security Council's Ceasefire Resolution for Gaza Strip

Nasser Kan'ani, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, has reacted to the United Nations Security Council's resolution which demands a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

Iran (IMNA) – While Kan'ani considers the adoption of the resolution after six months of failure as a positive but insufficient step, he emphasizes the need for serious action. This includes stopping the Israeli regime's attacks on the Gaza Strip and West Bank, lifting the oppressive Gaza blockade, and reopening crossings for international humanitarian aid and financial support for Gaza's reconstruction.

Kan'ani also expects the UN Security Council to hold the Israeli regime accountable for its crimes against the Palestinian people during the past six months and the possibility of continued violations. The recent conflict between Israel and Palestinian Hamas Resistance group began on October 7, following a historic operation by Hamas in response to the Israeli regime's escalating atrocities against Palestinians.

Since then, at least 32,142 Palestinians, mainly women and children, have been martyred, and 74,412 others injured by the Israeli regime's actions. Israel's intentional starvation of Gaza's population by blocking their access to food is a clear violation of the Geneva Conventions and the Rome Statute.

Source: Imna

