Number of Divine Prophets

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website)A question sometimes raised is why all prophets were in the East. There is no proof that all prophets of God were in the East. On the contrary, based on Verse 47 of Surah Yunus, “And for every nation there is a messenger,” it can be argued that nations in the West also had divine messengers.

While the names of 25 prophets are mentioned in the Quran, Verse 78 of Surah Ghafir reveals that the number of divine messengers is much higher: “We sent other Messengers before you; of some, We have already told you, of others We have not told you.”

When were refer to Hadiths, there are different numbers mentions in this regard. The most famous Hadith about the number of divine messengers is one narrated by Abuzar Ghaffari. He asked the Holy Prophet (PBUH) about the number of God’s messengers and the Prophet (PBUH) answered 124,000.

Based on Verses 136 of Surah Al-Baqarah, 86 of Surah Al Imran, and 105 of Surah An-Nisa, it is necessary to believe in all divine messengers. The reason may be the fact that Bi’tha (calling to prophethood) is not an isolated event but it is a continuous divine current.

Belief in previous prophets means faith in God’s constant blessing to people throughout history, belief in God’s Hikma (wisdom), belief in the constant need for an infallible leader, and belief in the victory of the truth over falsehood.

It is a belief in the fact that throughout humanity’s history, there have always been confrontations between the front of the truth and the front of falsehood and in the end, victory has always been for the former group and the latter group has always ended in disgrace. The belief in this divine Sunnah (law) is the secret to growth, steadfastness and endurance

Source: rahyafteha

