Researchers in Iran Offer to Market Locally-Made Car Operating Systems

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at two knowledge-based companies jointly designed and produced a specific car operating system, which according to them, allows any changes to it by domestic car manufacturers.

“We formed a consortium with another knowledge-based company to produce software for automobiles,” Mehdi Owani, a researcher with one of the two knowledge-based companies said.

He pointed to producing a specific operating system for the automobile industry as one of the achievements of their consortium, adding, “Over time, with the development of the automotive industry, we have witnessed the use of multimedia devices and connecting automobiles with the Internet. Currently, the cars that have access to the Internet use imported operating systems, or kind of a copy of foreign-made operating systems.”

“Using foreign-made operating systems would come with problems such as: We do not have control over the deep layers of the operating systems, and for any minor changes we want to make in the operating system, we have to go to foreign companies and it is not certain if they will provide its services to our country or not,” he explained.

He further noted that using foreign-made imported car operating system for domestically produced cars would lay the ground for hacking and destructive actions.

“With the participation of 50 technological experts, we have developed a specific multimedia operating system for both ordinary and connected to the Internet vehicles,” Owani pointed out.

“The development of this product has been completed and its prototypes have been given to automakers,” the engineer said.

He went on to underscore that domestic car manufacturers can make changes to the domestically developed operating system if they want to, adding, unlike foreign companies, their company offers after-sales services.


Source: ANA


