Knowledge-Based Firm Makes Iran Self-Sufficient in Producing Nano-Catalysts Used in Petrol Production

TEHRAN (ANA)- Experts at a knowledge-based company in Iran have managed to produce and commercialize naphtha reforming catalyst which is used in gasoline production.

According to a report by the Iranian Vice Presidency for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, a knowledge-based company in Iran has locally developed and produced the technological products and catalysts required by different industries, thereby playing an effective role in helping the country to become self-sufficient in producing these essential catalysts needed in the petrochemical industry and gasoline production.

“This company is operating in the production of catalysts and nanostructured materials. We have been able to produce and commercialize the naphtha reforming catalyst,” Hamzeh Kazrooni, the managing director of the knowledge-based company said.

“Most of the products and technologies developed in this knowledge-based company are possessed only by a few companies in the world, and by locally producing these products, we were able to take a step towards meeting the country's needs to avert their imports. For example, in the field of catalysts, this company operates on naphtha reforming catalysts, which are used in the production of gasoline and are among the products that are subject to the [Western] sanctions,” Kazrooni said.

“This naphtha reforming catalyst is used for the production of gasoline and aromatic substances in refineries,” he further explained.

He went on to say that the Iran-made naphtha reforming catalyst is offered with the same high quality as its foreign-made counterparts.

The managing director of the knowledge-based company continued to refer to the production of other nanostructured petrochemical products in their technology group, saying, “Among other new products of this company, we can mention the nano diesel fuel additive, which is one of the latest fuel additive technologies. It was possessed by only an American company but now it is produced inside.”


Source: ANA


