An Exclusive Interview of a Revert to Islam, Sarah, from Japan

According to Rahyafte(the missionaries and converts website):An Exclusive Interview of a Revert to Islam, Sarah, from Japan, by Bentolhoda Mofakhami

Salam Dear

Congratulations on your Converting to Islam

Thank You for agreeing to hold on Interview

  • First of all please tell us about yourself. (Name, ,Country, Job, Field of Study, Degree, Your back Ground, Age, Where Raised, and anything interesting about your back ground

I’m Sarah from Japan. I’ve been muslim for 2 years alhamdulillah. I was born and raised in the typical Japanese family where people claim to be atheists yet their customs and traditions are based on Buddhism and Shinto religion (Japanese tradition polyreligion)

I’m working as teacher for special students after graduation from the college.

  • How many brothers and sisters do you have? And how do you stand in your family?

1 younger brother

  • Please tell us about your previous religion, before converting to Islam!

I was Christian after going to a Christian middle high and high school for 6 years but not so much serious.

I already believed in Allah but didn’t understand some ideas in Christianity like the idea of Trinity.

  • How different was your previous religion with Islam?

There is no god but the God

  • How did you become familiar with Islam? What specifically attracted you to Islam?

I felt I got guidance from Allah when I visited a mosque in Tokyo for the first time. The mosque is open to the public and I heard the prayer call and saw the people praying there.

I’d known some muslim at bars and clubs before becoming muslim but didn’t know so much about Islam.

-Why did you visite a mosque?

I visited the masjid just because I wanted take some pic for Instagram. Some friends already visited there before me and I saw beautiful pics of there hhh

I got hidayah there alhamdulillah

  • When and how did you convert to Islam? ( please also talk about your last second before converting )

5 months later since the day I visited a mosque for the first time when I got guidance from Allah

  • When did your journey to Islam begin? (Your Opinion?)

On the day when I visited a mosque for the first time

  • Did You Ever hesitate to say Shahadah?

Yes. Because I got guidance from Allah and wanted to be muslim but at the same time still I had some prejudice and misunderstanding about Islam.

  • Did you have any problem with your family members when you accepted Islam?How did you come up with and Control the clashes with your family members?

They got upset when accidentally they got to know I’m muslim. I didn’t plan to tell them about my conversation. But now it’s better alhamdulillah and I know they’re just worried and caring me.

  • Did they try to convince you not to revert to Islam?

No, i didn’t tell them I was thinking of converting to Islam.

  • Did the people around you cut the relationship with you after converting to Islam?

Yes, especially after I started wearing hijab and stopped drinking alcohol

  • What were your family members’ reactions when you were practicing Islam or doing your prayers?

Not super supportive but they’re fine with it alhamdulillah

  • What was your feeling when you prayed for the first time? Wasn’t it hard for you to pray 5 times a day?

I felt I was praying and worshipping the God for the first time even though I was Christian. Yes it was hard to pray 5 times a day and sometimes it’s still hard.

  • When and how did you announcing your convert to Islam?

My mom came into my room while I was praying

  • Did you think that Islam is a religion Just for Arabs? ( before converting to Islam)


  • How do you see the spread of Islam in your country?

Not so much, most of the muslim living here in Japan are born muslim from other countries

  • Many people think that religions are the main cause of problems in the world today, did you believe that too?

No, not the main cause.

  • Did you found anything illogical in your last religion? (How about Islam)

I didn’t understand the idea of Trinity in Christianity

  • Did you use Media like You Tube, Facebook, etc. to be more familiar with Islam?


  • How did you adapt yourself with new ethics of Islam?

Step by step, still struggling

  • How was the effect of reading the holy Quran for you? How did the holy Quran Influence you?

It gives me peace and guidance

  • What is the most beautiful Ayah in Holy Quran?(Say your opinion)

Can’t choose one, I love surah Al Fatiha the most.

  • Why do most of the media attack on Islam? Why most of the Media are against Islam?

They’re scared of Islam because it’s true.

  • What’s your opinion about hijab? Has wearing hijab had any negative effects on your private life? Do you think it is only dedicated to women?

Hijab is our obligation not choice like some people claim. It’s also for men of course

  • Has wearing hijab limited any activities of your normal life?


It’s hard to find a job with hijab in Japan. Especially you’re Japanese, not foreigner. People here are likely to accept hijab or other Islamic stuff if you’re from abroad but they would be suspicious if you’re Japanese and muslim.

  • As a convert, what way of inviting to Islam you believe is more effective on non-Muslims?

Stay good friends with them.

-How do you get Halal Food?

I don’t buy halal meat because I live with my family and don’t wanna push themselves, so I stopped eating any meat.

How is your tv program in your country?is it safe for family?

About tv, some programs are good and some are not. I think it’s the same all over the world except like in Saudi Arabia I’m guessing they ban some contents against Islamic teaching.


Source: rahyafteha