I was a non muslim who was living for nothing…

According to Rahyafte(the missionaries and converts website):An Exclusive Interview of a Revert to Islam, Anna Farhana , from Japan, by Bentolhoda Mofakhami

Congratulations on your Converting to Islam

Thank You for agreeing to hold on Interview

  • First of all please tell us about yourself. (Name, Country, Job, Field of Study, Degree, Your back Ground, Age, Where Raised, and anything interesting about your back ground)

Anna Farhana, Japan, Japanese daycare teacher, 24years old

Raised in Japan.

I was a non muslim who was living for nothing…

  • How many brothers and sisters do you have? And how do you stand in your family?

I’ve 2younger sisters, I’m like a kind oldest daughter 🤣 joking

  • Please tell us about your previous religion, before converting to Islam!

Buddhism mixed Shintoism

  • How different was your previous religion with Islam?

I was Buddhism mixed Shintoism but didn’t believe any gods, just like normal Japanese. But every New Year, went to shrines to make wishes for the coming year with my family, but celebrate Valentine, Xmas 🤣 And eat whatever I want.

  • How did you become familiar with Islam? What specifically attracted you to Islam?


Inspired by Malaysian students.

7years ago, when I was a high school students, I joined Japan Malaysia interaction project.

After joined the program, I became friends with many Malaysians on SNS and some of them teach me Islam.

Day by day I feel wanna learn about Islam more and feel wanna cover my aurat. sometimes ,in a weekend, I go masjid & joined madrasa..

  • When and how did you convert to Islam? ( please also talk about your last second before converting )

I convert Islam on 21st March in 2016.

After decided to revert, I straight to go Kobe masjid by train.

After arrived station until shahada I was crying ,felt like “FINALLY THE DAY COME!!”

  • When did your journey to Islam begin? (Your Opinion?)

I think from teenage. I was not a good girl like hating my family, I was deeply in love..maybe you couldn’t image how bad I was🤣

  • Did You Ever hesitate to say Shahadah?

yes because I was worrying about my family and friends, working place members.

  • How do you feel when you work for your Akherah (The other World)?

hmm I’m still focusing to consolidate my muslimah life basically so sorry cannot say anything😓

  • Did you have any problem with your family members when you accepted Islam?

They , especially my parents were surprising and asked me “why? for what? what do you want?”

but I didn’t have any big problems.

They’re trying to understand me Alhamdulillah..

  • How did you come up with and Control the clashes with your family members?
  • Did they try to convince you not to revert to Islam?

No. But my bestfriend was.

  • Did the people around you cut the relationship with you after converting to Islam?


  • What were your family members’ reactions when you were practicing Islam or doing your prayers?

Firstly my parents were like “what are you doing?!” , during whudu “eh itchy your arms?”🤣 “wearing hijab during summer isn’t hot? Seems hot.” (Saying like this things)

  • What was your feeling when you prayed for the first time? Wasn’t it hard for you to pray 5 times a day?

For the first time prayer, I felt cleansed. But it was hard to remember correctly i learn through Youtube and books.

Btw pray 5times a day is still hard actually😓

  • When and how did you announcing your convert to Islam?

On the reverted day!

  • Did you think that Islam is a religion Just for Arabs? (before converting to Islam)

Yes until 17years old but after I met Muslims from Malaysia realized like Muslim is everywhere!

  • How do you see the spread of Islam in your country?

Many of them revert Islam when they get marry with Muslims.

But some of them just revert Islam by their selves.

  • Many people think that religions are the main cause of problems in the world today, did you believe that too?

it’s all about human..not religion😊

  • Did you found anything illogical in your last religion? (How about Islam)


  • Did you use Media like You Tube, Facebook, etc. to be more familiar with Islam?

Ya YouTube, FB , IG, Twitter

  • How did you adapt yourself with new ethics of Islam?
  • How was the effect of reading the holy Quran for you? How did the holy Quran Influence you?


  • What is the most beautiful Ayah in Holy Quran? (Say your opinion)

Every Ayat but I like An-Nasr

  • Why do most of the media attack on Islam? Why most of the Media are against Islam?

Because they don’t try to know & understand us.

  • What’s your opinion about hijab? Has wearing hijab had any negative effects on your private life? Do you think it is only dedicated to women?

・I love to wear hijab it’s so comfortable❤

・I’ve never had (or had but i didn’t realize?)

  • Has wearing hijab limited any activities of your normal life?

Actually during working I cannot wear it so i normally wear it for prayer and on holidays..

  • How do you analyze women’s right in Islam compared to what the West has propagated?

Sorry I’m still not sure about this…

  • How do you analyze the family institution according to Christianity and Islam?
  • As a convert, what way of inviting to Islam you believe is more effective on non-Muslims?

hmm show our behavior and tell the truth of Islam.

  • If you want to say some words about the beauty of Islam, the peace, the calmness you have found in this religion what do you say?

Islam shows and guides us to the right path, Islam teach us evening things. I’m still learning Islam but inshallah I want to be a better muslimah!

Source: rahyafteha