The Dawn of Peace: Imam Mahdi’s Promise for Jerusalem

According to Rahyafte(the missionaries and converts website):In shadows deep,a promised light shall gleam,

When Imam rises from the sacred dream

A world in turmoil, cries for peace shall sing,

As Mahdi’s presence brings a golden spring.

Jerusalem, the heart of ancient lands,

Shall feel his touch, as hope’s eternal hands.

The shackles break, the city’s walls rebuilt,

As justice reigns and freedom’s flag is spilt.

With hearts entwined, his followers unite,

Guided by love, they’ll reach the highest height.

In his emergence, salvation’s story told,

As Imam Mahdi’s era takes its hold.

So pray for that day when darkness shall cease,

Imam’s arrival, and the world’s sweet release.

Jerusalem, free beneath the open sky,

A symbol of peace, where all can soar and fly.


Source: rahyafteha