The impact of Tehran’s regional policy on Washington

In a commentary, the Iran newspaper discussed America's position in West Asia and wrote: Washington should accept the new reality that its former allies no longer see their interests in not limiting their political, economic and military relations to America.

The Middle East still maintains its geopolitical importance, but America no longer influences this region. This is said by Western analysts who believe that Washington has lost the Middle East by damaging its relationship with Riyadh, the status of nuclear negotiations with Iran, and its relationship with Israel which is undergoing ups and downs. Therefore, it seems that the reconciliation between Iran and the Arabs has created an atmosphere in the Persian Gulf and the entire West Asia region where the need for the presence of the Americans is no longer felt as in the past.

Stephen Walt, a prominent analyst on international relations, considers this situation and the agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia to be the result of the big defects in Biden's decision-making regarding the Middle East, which has practically paralyzed America's policy in the region. The result of this policy is that its closest Arab allies such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt no longer attach importance to America's demands, whether these demands are related to the issue of Iran or the war in Yemen and Israel's brutal campaign in occupied Palestine.

Vatan-e-Emrooz: Mediterranean ticket

In an analysis, Vatan-e-Emrooz discussed the ground-breaking operation of the Shalamcheh-Basra railway by quoting Transport Minister Mehrdad Bazarpash who says: "This strategic railway is expected to improve the level of trade and facilitate travel between the two countries, and stabilize Iran's role as the main player in the East-West connection." This plan provides the connection of Iran to West Asia and the Mediterranean and is even beneficial for Iraqis. Iraq's railway lines will also be connected to Iran's railway network, and thereby it will find railway access to Caucasian countries or other countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan, and also to the northern seas. This project will provide a unique opportunity for Iraq. The Shalamcheh-Basra railway has many economic benefits. Once the railway project is completed, Iran, through Iraq, will get connected to Syria, the Mediterranean coast, Jordan and other places. These unique economic opportunities – the North-South and East-West corridor chains – can generate as much wealth for Iran as oil, even more.

Shargh: Change of mediators

In a note, Shargh discussed the Iran-U.S. negotiations. It quoted international affairs expert Hassan Beheshtipour as saying: “The results of these negotiations and the unwritten agreement can be seen in the media and speculations to some extent.”

According to Iran's negotiating team, Tehran is following two paths in the talks. One is to resolve regional issues and disputes. It means, that instead of discussing missile and regional issues upon the demand of America and European countries, Tehran is resolving its problems bilaterally and multilaterally with regional countries, the most important of which was to solve the political problems with Saudi Arabia. Another path has been to choose Oman and Qatar, instead of the European Union, as mediators between Iran and the United States. After last year's September riots and the harsh positions of the European Union against Iran due to the political developments in Iran, especially the positions of England, France and Germany, the path of dialogue with the United States through the European Union was shifted to Qatar and Oman, which, under the initiative of the Sultan of Oman, bore a positive result. Finally, any kind of agreement that aims to reduce sanctions in line with national and foreign policy interests.

Sobh-e-No: September document

Sobh-e-No devoted its headline to the new dimensions of the JCPOA negotiations and said: Amir Abdollahian has stated that Iran conducted extensive talks with the Western parties to the JCPOA and the contents of the talks, known as the "September Document", are available. The statements indicate a new situation in the negotiations, which has attracted the attention of the media. The positions and the reference to the September document show the will of the Iranian side to reach a common point with the other side. In fact, if the Western side is willing, the agreement will not be out of access. It seems that in addition to its multilateral diplomacy with various countries from the Far East to South Africa, Iran has not excluded the West from its agenda, and although there may be strong differences of opinion on many regional and international issues between Iran and America and its allies, it is trying to reach a kind of agreement on various issues to reduce tension and turn the conflict into cooperation.

Source: Tehran Times


