A Closing Window and the Prospect of a Widowed Government

As the meeting of the UN’s General Assembly which is deemed the most important international event in post Second World War era is upon us (September 18-26, 2023), more and more troubles unfold before witnesses of Israel’s political atmosphere.

Some high-ranking political officials of Israel admitted today a drastic decrease in chances of a side meeting between the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the President of the United States Joe Biden in the White House.

According to the officials, Netanyahu’s lecture at the UN’s General Assembly was initially scheduled for Thursday but was postponed to Friday.

This means that the team accompanying the Israeli PM will also remain in New York during the weekend and have to go back to Occupied Palestine right before the Israeli occasion of Yom Kippur which is of significance for those officials who will travel to the U.S. and that leaves no time for the delegation to visit Washington DC. Based on the recent highs and lows in relations between the Zionist Regime and the current U.S. administration, paving the ground for an official meeting between Biden and Netanyahu is marching closer towards an empty hopeless cause. Meanwhile, two different pieces of news broke out today from inside the Occupied Palestine which might look irrelevant at first but are pieces of the same puzzle which confirms the growing political crisis, if not a dead-end, within the militaristic structure of the Zionist Regime.

First, as reported by Israeli media, the pilots of Israel’s biggest airliner have refused to pilot Netanyahu’s plane to the U.S. for the third time.

Second, Netanyahu held a phone call with Ukraine’s President Zelensky for the first time after 9 months of silence which was an indicator of a rotten link between Israel and a country which now acts as a Court of Inquisition for the traditional allies of Israel in the west.

West has been monitoring this link closely and has not hesitated to inflict pressure on Israel’s government whenever it was due. So, although the rather symbolic but politically necessary phone call might have relatively softened the rough position of the West, especially the EU, against Israel’s efforts to dodge a deeper involvement in the war in Ukraine, the main challenge of the establishment remains intact as manifested, symbolically, in the refusal of the pilots to fly Netanyahu and his team to the U.S. And to make things more complicated for the Israeli government few days before their trip to New York, if they can find an airplane, an unpleasing threatening message was sent to Israel’s Supreme Court today collectively by Netanyahu and his cabinet, making it clear that the government’s position regarding the controversial judicial reforms has not been affected at all by the street campaigns of the past 37 weeks.

Many believe that this message was not directed at the Court, but to the U.S. and EU, saying although Israel might bow to the pressure of the West in Ukraine’s case, but the judicial reforms is a redline no one shall cross, even at the expense of dragging Israel deeper into “chaos”.

In their letter, Netanyahu and his cabinet reminded the Supreme Court of Israel that this institution “does not have the power to see itself above the government” and that further postponing of the judicial reforms “can result in chaos”.

Nightmare at the Nightclub

A shooting in one of Tel Aviv’s renowned nightclubs left two security personnel injured. According to Israeli sources, after being denied entering the club, two Israelis opened fire at the security personnel at the front door. Casualties were transferred to the hospital and no further information was provided about their situation. Statistics provided by formal institutions inside the Occupied Palestine are indicative of a sharp increase in armed violence and conflicts during the last years.

Source: Tehran Times


