Iranian oppositionists showing their true colors

TEHRAN – Several Iranian oppositionists, who are known as active campaigners against the sovereignty and integrity of Iran, met with Israel’s intelligence minister on Wednesday in a bid to find a new patron.

The group of media workers from different TV outlets, Iran International, BBC Persian, Iran-e Farda, and Voice of America, met with Gila Gamliel in London. Gamliel who is a widely unpopular figure back in Israel assured the group of Iranians that Tel Aviv would continue to support anti-Iran media outlets.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani condemned the meeting on Friday saying “the sinister triangle continues to hatch plots against the Islamic Revolution and the Iranian nation”. The sinister triangle being the U.S., Britain and Israel.

Though it is unclear how such meetings would help topple the government in Iran, such get-togethers can augur well for the foreign-based media personalities who have been raking in large amounts of money by gesturing as influential figures possessing significant clout among the Iranian population.

Analysts believe that after Iran’s reconciliation deal with Saudi Arabia and Washington’s realization of the opposition’s impotence, anti-Iran activists have started to search for a new major sponsor.

“I think Israel has always been a financial and logistics provider for these figures. But since their other masters have started to see their uselessness in overthrowing Iran’s government, Israel will probably be playing a bigger role than before,” said Mohsen Mohammadi, a political analyst.

Gamliel’s efforts to buttress Iran’s opposition have not been received well by the Islamic Republic’s antagonists either. Many of them took to social media to bring to question the true capabilities of the Israeli regime. “The weakest and most feeble cabinet in Israel’s history wants to back us. You should think of ways to resolve your own issues first. How can you stand against the Islamic Republic when your own state is convulsed with massive protests and insecurity?” said a user on X, formerly known as Twitter.

During the meeting, the Israeli minister also talked about when she had met with Reza Pahlavi, the son of the toppled Shah, in June. “When I stood in front of the wall in Jerusalem with Reza Pahlavi, something changed in my soul [telling me] that we must help Persian people”.

By saying she wants to help Iranians, Gamliel might be referring to the countless sabotage attacks Israel has orchestrated against Iran’s defense industry and nuclear sites. Had the majority of these attacks not been neutralized, the Iranian people might have had to live with harrowing and devastating consequences of highly destructive explosions today. The minister might also be referring to how the Israeli regime has been arming terrorists across the region to harm Iran, including the two terrorists who attacked the Shah Cheragh shrine in the Iranian city of Shiraz that resulted in the death of more than a dozen people.

Either way, Israel considers Iran the biggest threat to itself. It is expected that the apartheid regime would resort to all means to sap Iran. The Iranian opposition though, by completely turning to Israel’s orbit, is essentially acting as a proxy of the regime, helping Tel Aviv reach its viscous goals in regards to Iran. It is known to all that an Iranian nation in tatters is Israel’s ultimate dream.

Source: Tehran Times


