Iran neutralized 400 bombs recently: intel. min

Iran neutralized 400 bombs recently: intel. min

TEHRAN, Sep. 10 (MNA) – Iran has discovered and neutralized 400 bombs over the past few months, the Iranian intelligence minister said adding that 40 of them were planned to be detonated during the month of Muharram.

Speaking on an Iranian TV show on Sunday, Esmaeil Khatib examined the issue of hybrid warfare and security.

More than 50 intelligence services had held various meetings, trained more than 200 media and created sedition and chaos last year using the virtual space, Khatib said.

The enemy seeks to impose a new form of colonialism on other countries, he said adding that Iran has neutralized about 400 bombs, more than 40 of which were supposed to explode in religious ceremonies of Muharram.

He pointed out that the enemies are waging a intelligence warfare against Iran, noting that the budget allocated to 50 intelligence services that are working against Iran is more than Iran's overall budget volume.

"Proxy intelligence services like Denmark's operate on behalf of main services like those of the US, UK and Israeli regime", he stressed.

Stating that a weapons manufacturing factory near Iran's border used to make weapons and smuggle all its products into Iran, he continued that the Kurdistan region of Iraq has become a haven for intelligence services of the United States and Israeli regime.


Source: Mehr News

