TCCIMA calls for communication among agricultural entities

TEHRAN – The Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (TCCIMA)’s Agriculture and Process Industries Committee held its second meeting in the current management tenure on Monday during which the programs and goals of the committee for the next two years were outlined.

In this meeting, the attendees called on the representatives of the country’s private sector companies and organizations active in the agricultural sector to attend the committee’s meetings in order to have closer communication between the chamber and those entities, the TCCIMA portal reported.

Also in the gathering, suggestions including benefiting from the continuous presence of organizations in the meetings, examining the issue of food health and improving it, and forming sub-committees for livestock and agricultural affairs as well as transformation industries under the major committee were proposed and presented by the members.

It was also approved to invite the officials and representatives of the Natural Resources and Watershed Management Organization of Tehran Province and the head of the Agriculture Committee of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA) to attend future meetings.

According to plans, the meetings of the Agriculture and Transformation Industries Committee of the TCCIMA will be held monthly.


Source: Tehran Times


