Leader reveals mission of American Crisis Group 

TEHRAN – On Monday, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told a group of citizens from the provinces of Sistan-Baluchestan and South Khorasan that the world is taking a new shape.

“Today, a great transformation is taking place or has already taken place. Nations across the world must be careful not to fall into the same negligence they experienced during days of colonialism or post-WWI,” stated Ayatollah Khamenei.

The Leader went on to say that changes in the world are based on two main pillars: One is that the hegemonic power of the West, especially the United States, has started to fizzle, and second new powers have started to emerge on regional and global scales.

“They themselves say that indicators of American power in the world are declining. Like what? Like the economy. One of the most important indicators of Washington’s unparalleled power used to be its strong economy, which they say is declining. Another point is that the U.S. used to be able to interfere in the internal affairs of various governments. Today, this trend is declining. Today, The U.S. is forced to wage a hybrid war against the governments it seeks to hurt which is very costly and does not ultimately yield results”.

The Leader added that the U.S. used to be able to topple governments through one suitcase full of money, similar to what it did to the government of Mosaddegh in 1953.

Ayatollah Khamenei also mentioned the recent uprising of the African people against French colonialism, calling it a sign of Europe’s political decline. “Western powers, led by the U.S. and then Europe, no longer possess the same power they used to have and are becoming weaker. Day by day, new powers are emerging. This is a great global transformation,” stressed the leader. He also listed Washington’s repeated failures in Iraq and Afghanistan as two of the biggest signs of the West’s decline.

However, the Leader warned, the enemy is still capable of plotting against the Iranian nation despite its weakening state. He urged people to remain vigilant in the face of enemies’ seditions.

“Our information tells us that the American government has created a ‘crisis group’ with the mission to search for the points that they think can be used to provoke a crisis in Iran. With contemplation and study, they have concluded that there are several crisis points in Iran: ethnic differences, religious differences, and the issue of gender and women, which should be provoked to create a crisis,” the Leader pointed out.

According to Ayatollah Khamenei, the enemies’ end goal is to create a situation similar to what’s happened in Syria and Yemen in Iran. But he reassured people that the West and Israel would never be able to fulfill such ill wishes. “We must have great alertness and be careful not to move in line with the enemy’s policies. We shouldn’t lose alertness. Because even a child can hurt you when you are not vigilant,” the Leader highlighted.

He also warned that Iran is not the only country the U.S. has been plotting to hurt.

Washington has also been making secret plans to harm countries like Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan and even its own allies in the Persian Gulf, Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out.

At the end of his speech, Ayatollah Khamenei thanked the people of Iraq for hosting Arbaeen pilgrims with great hospitality and cordiality.

“It is not easy to host and provide accommodation for more than 22 million people for several days. I sincerely thank our Iraqi brothers, sisters, and officials, as well as the Popular Mobilization Forces. They did a great job. I also want to say ‘thank you’ to Iranian security forces. They worked day and night tirelessly. These are very valuable for our country,” he said.


Source: Tehran Times


