Iraqi foreign minister to visit Tehran tomorrow

Iraqi foreign minister to visit Tehran tomorrow

TEHRAN, Sep. 12 (MNA) – Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein says he is set to visit the Iranian capital of Tehran on Wednesday.

Hussein made the remarks in a joint press conference with his Austrian counterpart in Baghdad on Tuesday.

The Iraqi constitution does not allow any party to use its territory to attack neighboring countries, the top Iraqi diplomat stressed.

Referring to the recent security agreement between Tehran and Baghdad on disarming and relocating the separatist terrorists in the Kurdistan region by September 19, Hussein cited that Baghdad has taken the necessary measures to relocate the opposition groups (separatist terrorist groups) from the borders of Iraq and Iran.

"Iraq adheres to the security agreement signed with Iran," he underlined.

This comes as the Head of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) Bafel Jalal Talabani also paid a visit to Tehran and held talks with several Iranian officials.

Since September 24, 2022, the IRGC has launched several rounds of airstrikes against the positions of the terrorists who are holed up in Iraqi Kurdistan.

The IRGC has urged the central government in Iraq and authorities in Kurdistan to meet their commitments toward Iran and take necessary measures to secure the border.

On November 21, 2022, positions of anti-Iran separatist and terrorist groups in northern Iraq came under combined attacks using missiles and kamikaze drones. The strikes targeted the positions of the notorious ‘Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan’ (PDKI) and the Komala Party in northern Iraqi Kurdistan.


Source: Mehr News


