Basic Islamic Teachings for New Muslims

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website):Common Values and Ethics:

1. Honesty (Sadaqah): Honesty is highly valued in Islam. Muslims are encouraged to be truthful and trustworthy in all their dealings, interactions, and communications.

2. Compassion (Rahma): Compassion and mercy are central to Islamic teachings. Muslims are taught to show kindness, empathy, and care towards all living beings, reflecting the mercy of Allah

3. Humility (Tawadu): Humility is a virtue in Islam. Muslims are encouraged to be humble in their demeanor, interactions, and attitudes, recognizing their dependence on Allah and their equality with fellow human beings.

4. Community Service (Khidma): Serving the community and helping those in need is a core Islamic value. Muslims are urged to engage in acts of charity, volunteering, and social support to contribute positively to society.

5. Justice (Adl): Upholding justice and fairness is a fundamental principle in Islam. Muslims are instructed to stand up for justice, even if it goes against their own interests, and to treat all individuals equitably.

6. Kindness (Ihsan): Kindness extends to how Muslims treat others. The Prophet Muhammad emphasized the concept of “Ihsan,” which means doing things with excellence and kindness, whether in worship or daily interactions.

7. Empathy (Tasfiyah): Understanding and sharing the feelings of others is encouraged in Islam. Muslims are taught to consider the emotions and struggles of others and to provide support and comfort.

8. Respect for Elders and Parents: Respecting elders and parents is a significant Islamic value. Muslims are advised to treat their parents with kindness and gratitude, recognizing their role in upbringing and guidance.

9. Modesty (Hayaa): Modesty in behavior, speech, and appearance is emphasized in Islam. Muslims are encouraged to dress modestly and interact modestly with others, displaying a sense of self-respect and respect for others.

10. Brotherhood and Sisterhood (Ukhuwwah): Muslims are part of a global community (ummah) and are encouraged to treat one another as brothers and sisters. This sense of unity promotes cooperation, mutual support, and solidarity.

11. Gratitude (Shukr): Expressing gratitude to Allah for His blessings is an important aspect of Islamic ethics. Muslims are taught to acknowledge and be thankful for the blessings they receive, both big and small.

12. Patience and Perseverance (Sabr): Patience in the face of challenges and difficulties is highly regarded in Islam. Muslims are encouraged to remain patient and steadfast, trusting in Allah’s wisdom and guidance.

13. Forgiveness (Maghfirah): Forgiving others and seeking forgiveness are vital aspects of Islamic ethics. Muslims are encouraged to forgive those who wrong them and to seek forgiveness for their own shortcomings.

By incorporating these shared moral values and ethics into their lives, new Muslims can build a strong foundation for their journey in Islam, fostering positive relationships and contributing to a just and compassionate society.

Source: rahyafteha