Iranian President: exchange of prisoners with US solely humanitarian measure

Iranian President: exchange of prisoners with US solely humanitarian measure

Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi emphasized that the recent prisoner swap between Iran and the United States was solely motivated by humanitarian concerns.

Iran (IMNA) – While attending the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Raeisi spoke to senior American media managers and reiterated the humanitarian nature of the exchange. He stated that any action taken by the United States to fulfill its commitments would foster confidence between the two countries.

Raeisi also addressed the issue of released funds, which had been unjustly withheld and were now in Iran's possession. He asserted that these funds rightfully belonged to the Iranian people and would be utilized to meet their needs.

After extensive negotiations lasting two years, Iran and the US reached an agreement to release prisoners as part of a larger deal that included the unfreezing of billions of dollars in Iranian assets held illegally in South Korea. These funds, which had been blocked since 2018 due to the US withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran under former President Donald Trump, primarily comprised payments for Iran's oil and gas exports. This move further exacerbated tensions between Washington and Tehran.

On Monday, both countries successfully freed ten prisoners, consisting of five Iranians and five Americans, following the unblocking of $6 billion in frozen Iranian oil funds held in South Korea.

Source: Imna

